Resources to help you grow

Websites and ministries we encourage you to visit

if you want to learn more about the Christian faith

Ligonier Ministries

It’s with much joy we announce our official partnership with Ligonier Ministries. Ligonier exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible. Together, we aim to serve and strengthen the local reformed church and we know this partnership will bear much fruit in God’s Kingdom.

The founder of Ligonier Ministries, R.C.Sproul, is a great teacher of Reformed Theology. He has now passed into glory, but other teachers have taken up the mantle. You can find many videos and articles on Ligonier, all of them aimed at helping you discover and understand Reformed Theology.

John MacArthur and Grace Community Church

John MacArthur and his bible-teaching ministry have blessed thousands of Christians.

While we here at Grace Brampton may not be Baptist like John, we still appreciate his ministry and are encouraged by his teaching.

John MacArthur pastors the Grace Community Church in the Los Angeles area of California. His online ministry, Grace to You, has global reach, impacting Christians all over the world with sound, biblical teaching.

Desiring God Ministries

Desiring God ministries is a Baptist Ministry based in Minneapolis-St. Paul Minnesota. It was founded by John Piper, the major theologian and pastor who wrote many books on how a Christian ought to desire God and enjoy him. You can find many good articles and sermons on this website.

Gospel in Life

Gospel in life is the online sermon library of Tim Keller and Redeemer Presbyterian Church of New York City. Redeemer was planted by Tim Keller in the 1990s, and is now a large urban church in Manhattan. Tim Keller is known for his incisive commentary on American culture and applying the gospel to what he sees.

Faith to Film

Faith to Film is a ministry started by David Visser and Kyle Vasas, who live in Alberta, CA. They produce and post high-quality videos on various Reformed theological topics. They have a vision for producing more Reformed material, including material on the Heidelberg Catechism. Check out their work by clicking on the button below.

White Horse Inn

The White Horse Inn is a Christian ministry based out of Southern California. It is linked to the United Reformed Churches of North America and Westminster Seminary California. The theologian Micheal Horton is a common sight on the ministry. The White Horse in has many different materials, but a discussion radio show is the main thing that they do.